Saturday, September 8, 2018

“O Arranca Corações # 304” Emissão de 09 Setembro 2018


 (…) Trying to describe Kathmandu is like making a cross-section of sky and clouds, indefinable as the mysterious blue which hovers above our ancient memories, everchanging as the cloudforms advancing over the valley; dreams of dragonclaws dissolving like sugar in the oracular waters of oriental wisdom only to reform in great mushrooms of future holocaust. Endless cycles of Death and Rebirth figure everywhere in the storied pagodas, statues of Gods encrusted with orange puja powder or brass figures shining like mirrors from the million hands which do daily homage to the cosmic spirit (…) – Ira Cohen, excerto do texto “Kathmandu Dream Piece”, publicado em Friction 10, Verão 1996


Saturday, September 1, 2018